Keyword: Flattery

Imitation is the sincerest [form] of flattery.

(1780 – 1832) English cleric, writer & collector

If you are flattering a woman, it pays to be a little more subtle; you don’t have to bother with men, they believe any compliment automatically.

(1939 – ) English playwright

Flattery is the sincerest form of lying.

Invitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


It is hard to resist a flatterer who gets it right.

American writer

Flattery must be pretty thick before anybody objects to it.

(1908 – 1976) publisher & author

I hate careless flattery, the kind that exhausts you in your efforts to believe it.

(1876 – 1933) screenwriter

A flatterer never seems absurd: the flatter’d always takes his word.

(1706 – 1790) American statesman, author, scientist & inventor

The best way to turn a woman's head is to tell her she has a beautiful profile.

(1885 – 1957) French stage actor, film actor, director, screenwriter & playwright

Flattery is like chewing gum… enjoy it but don't swallow it.

(1920 – 2001) cartoonist & creator of Dennis the Menace

Flattery is telling people exactly what they think of themselves.