Keyword: Fun

Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Golf is the most fun you can have without taking your clothes off.

(1935 – ) Puerto Rican professional golfer

If you can eat anything you want to, what’s the fun in eating anything you want to?

(1956 – ) American movie actor

Most of the time I don’t have much fun; the rest of the time I don’t have any fun at all.

(1935 – ) movie actor, director & comedian

As much fun as shooting monkeys in a barrel.

There are still parts of Wales where the only concession to gaiety is a striped shroud.

(1913 – 1981) Welsh writer

Take all the fools out of this world and there wouldn’t be any fun living in it, or profit.

(1818 – 1885) humorist

You know you're getting old when work is a lot less fun and fun is a lot more work.

(1935 – 2014) American comedian, television personality, writer & director

Blonds must have more fun; how many brunettes do you see walking down the street with blond roots?

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

There’s no such thing as fun for the whole family.

(1954 – ) comedian & television actor

The saying “Getting there is half the fun” became obsolete with the advent of commercial airlines.

A barrel of monkeys would be a lot of fun… unless it's been sealed for 6 or 7 months.

A three-year-old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm.

(1915 – 1977) columnist, writer & actor

Just give me a comfortable couch, a dog, a good book, and a woman. Then if you can get the dog to go somewhere and read the book, I might have a little fun!

(1890 – 1977) comedian, actor & television host