Keyword: Hitting

He hits from both sides of the plate; he’s amphibious.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

He's the only guy I know who can go 4 for 3.

American baseball player

It's easy to stay in the majors for seven and a half years when you hit .300; but when you hit .216 like me, it's really an accomplishment.

professional baseball player

The hardest thing to do in baseball is to hit a round baseball with a round bat, squarely.

(1918 – 2002) American baseball player

When Neil Armstong first set foot on the moon, he and all the space scientists were puzzled by an unidentifiable white object; I knew immediately what it was… that was a home run ball hit off me in 1933 by Jimmie Foxx.

(1908 – 1989) American baseball player

Look at him (Bobby Richardson) – he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t chew, he doesn’t stay out late, and he still can’t hit .250.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager

If a guy is a good fastball hitter, does that mean I should throw him a bad fastball?

professional baseball player

Think?… how the hell are you gonna think and hit at the same time?

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

Good pitching always stops good hitting and vice versa.

American baseball player

When you're in a slump, it's almost as if you look out at the field and it's one big glove.

professional baseball player

Gehringer goes two for five on Opening Day and stays that way all season.

American baseball pitcher

I never blame myself when I’m not hitting. I just blame the bat, and if it keeps up, I change bats; after all, if I know it isn’t my fault that I’m not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

That boy couldn't hit the ground if he fell out of an airplane.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager

Slump, I ain’t in no slump… I just ain’t hitting.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

A woman will be elected president before Wade Boggs is called out on strikes.

(1953 – ) American baseball player

Singles hitters drive Fords, home run hitters drive Cadillacs.

(1922 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

I was such a dangerous hitter I even got intentional walks during batting practice.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager

There are two theories on hitting the knuckleball; unfortunately, neither of them work.

professional baseball coach

Well, there goes our 26-game hitting streak.

baseball manager

I was the worst hitter ever; I never even broke a bat until last year when I was backing out of the garage.

(1908 – 1989) American baseball player

The only thing Earl [Weaver] knows about big-league pitching is that he couldn't hit it.

American baseball pitcher