Keyword: Mathematics

If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.

(1903 – 1957) Hungarian-American mathematician

2 is not equal to 3 – not even for very large values of 2.

Calculus: The branch of mathematics that is so scary it causes everybody to stop studying mathematics.

(1947 – ) American columnist & humorist

The creator of the universe works in mysterious ways; but he uses a base ten counting system and likes round numbers.

(1957 – ) cartoonist (Dilbert)

"We Hate Math" says 4 in 10 – A Majority of Americans

Medicine makes people ill, mathematics make them sad, and theology makes them sinful.”

(1483 – 1546) German monk, Catholic priest & professor of theology

At school, Applied Math was all about working out grams and dollars… we called it Crystal Math.


Beer math is 2 beers times 37 men equals 49 cases.

The creator of the universe works in mysterious ways; but he uses a base ten counting system and likes round numbers.

(1957 – ) cartoonist (Dilbert)

Equations are the devil’s sentences.

(1964 – ) comedian, political satirist, writer & television host

Women have a passion for mathematics; they divide their age in half, double the price of their clothes, and always add at least five years to the age of their best friend.

(1899 – 1974) French screenwriter, teacher & journalist

Statistician: A person who can draw a mathematically precise line from an unwarranted assumption to a foregone conclusion. 

In mathematics you don't understand things… you just get used to them.

(1903 – 1957) Hungarian-American mathematician