Keyword: Other expressions (Page 11)

She looked like death eating a cracker.

Shit fire and save matches

You look the south end of a north bound cow.

Spread the table.

Finer than frog's hair

That’s how the cow ate the cabbage.

It’s cold enough to freeze a turkey off the roost.

Like a martin to his gourd

He was grinnin' like a possum eatin' bumble bees.

It's hotter than Georgia asphalt.

Got a face like a mile of unpaved road.

She’d make a freight train take a dirt road.

If you want to fight me you better pack a lunch and bring a flashlight.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, what a Merry Christmas we’d have.

A blue million

Ready with his hat and slow with his money.

It come up a bad cloud.

Every tub has to sit on it’s own bottom.

Like two peas in a pod.

You couldn't hit sand if you fell off a camel.

He's as mad as a wet hen.