Keyword: Other expressions (Page 12)

Short as a gnat's tail

He acts like he’s ten feet tall and bullet-proof.

Don't let the bear get'cha.

A faint heart never won a fair lady or stole a watermelon.

Every tub has to sit on it’s own bottom.

I’m going to paint your back porch red if you keep talkin like that!

Basket name

Like a martin to his gourd

She's so stuck up, she'd drown in a rainstorm.

If you had a brain you'd play with it.

You’ve got the saw by the wrong tree.

Crying like a pine knot in a sawmill.

He looks like he got beat with a ugly stick.

I’ve got no dog in that fight.

Well look what the cat dragged in.

Dumber than a stump

Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes

… as clumsy as a blind dog in a meat house.

Count the people.

Like a two-forty trot

She’s so poor she ain’t got two nickels to rub together.