Keyword: Other expressions (Page 12)

Done done

Another horse been in his barn

He’s gone to hell in a hand basket.

Sloppier than two pigs in a bucket

You’re not worth the gunpowder it’ll take to blow you away.

Dead as 4 o’clock

He looked like Death sucking a sponge.

The hair is in the butter.

She's so pretty she could make a hound dog smile.

Gooder’n snuff and not half as dusty

Don't worry 'bout the mule son, just load the wagon.

Going ninety to nothin'

Full as a tick

Like an old hen with one chick

Boy, I will walk a mud hole in you and stomp it dry.

I've sallyjacked the potato salad.

Georgia buggy

Held his hind leg

Well, cut my legs off and call me shorty.

I do all I can… and the easy ones twice.

If it was raining soup, he'd be out in the yard with a fork.