Keyword: Other expressions (Page 14)

She couldn't keep her dress down.

His family tree is a trunk.

Like trying to sneak daylight past a rooster

Piss on the fire and call in the dogs.

Lower than a snake’s belly

Makes my butt wanna grind corn!

Done done

Within a lash

Don’t start choppin’ till you’ve treed the coon.

He’d argue with a wall as long as it’d stand there and take it.

Fan the door

Where do you fall?

Shet [shut] the light.

Can of corn

Uglier than a burnt stump

I already know I’m going to hell, I’m just paving the road.

If you want to fight me you better pack a lunch and bring a flashlight.

We don’t air our dirty laundry out in public.

Eatin’ long corn

Hotter than a June bride.

She is so ugly I would hire her to haunt a house.