Keyword: Other expressions (Page 16)

You’d walk her down the front row of a revival meeting.

If a frog had wings it wouldn’t bump its ass a-hoppin.’

He’s as poor as Job’s turkey.

He lives in your neck of the woods.

I'll snatch you baldheaded.

He’s in a foggery.

She’s about a half a bubble off plumb.

Took a heart burnin'

He was as mad as a mule chewin' on bumblebees.

Good Heavenly Days!

You might as well play Hob with the hoe-handle!

He’s like a mule halfway home after plowin’ all day.

A fine howdy-do

Ain't that the berries!

Bank walker

Talk the legs off a dead mule – or – talk the hind leg off a donkey

If i was feelin any better i'd give five dollars for a good headache.

It would be better to dress him than to feed him.

Flat as a fritter.

About as useful as buttons on a dishrag

Looking at me like a cow at a new fence.