Keyword: Other expressions (Page 2)

So ugly no fly would land on ‘em

Built like a brick shithouse

You can’t blame a worm for not wanting to go fishing.

When Satan goes ice skatin’ in Hell.

Don’t let your mouth write a check that your ass can’t cash.

You can’t tell nobody nothing that ain’t ever been nowhere!

… since Christ left Cleveland!

A face like a robber’s dog!

Can you carry me up to the picture show?

You look like death eating a cracker.

She'll be late to her own funeral.

Going ninety to nothin'

I feel like I've been chewed up and spit out.

He’d skin a flea for the hide and tallow.

Who do you favor?

No more sense than last year’s bird nest.

Higher the hair, closer to God.

Fan the door

Madder than spit on a griddle

I'll slap you to sleep, then slap you for sleepin.

Like a calf in clover