Keyword: Other expressions (Page 20)

Sight for sore eyes

It’s hotter than a fritter!

Well look what the cat dragged in.

When poverty comes in the front door, love goes out the back.

If [such and such happens] then it’s gonna be too wet to plow.

I’ll cloud up and rain all over you.

That’s the worst taste I’ve had in my mouth with the lights on!

You’re barking up the wrong tree.

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Mites stay on a chicken’s ass.

I've had an apple out of that bag.

Everybody’s in the same pew

Amber days

She's uglier than homemade soap.

I hope she lives to a 150 and looks it.

We don’t air our dirty laundry out in public.

Like a two-forty trot

Sittin’ in the catbird seat

I'm so hungry, my stomach is gnawing on my backbone!

So hungry my belly thinks my throat's been cut.

Just because a chicken has wings doesn't mean it can fly.