Keyword: Other expressions (Page 21)

Don’t care if I do.

A trace of the uppity

How long is a piece of string?

Them that don’t work, don’t eat.

It’s so foggy, you have to poke a hole to spit.

He has more information than a Sears Roebuck catalog.

Wasn’t to no age.

He’d make a cat laugh.

Held his hind leg

Spread the table.

Boy, ain't no difference twixt them and you 'cept God's Love.

Seen better legs on a table.

Like a live oak limb

Who's pluckin' this chicken, me or you?

Sat there like a bump on a log.

As scarce as hens teeth.

We always go to bed with the chickens.

Oh shine!

Her tongue was tied in the middle and loose at both ends.

You don't have the sense God gave a gnat.

I feel like a dog's breakfast.