Keyword: Other expressions (Page 3)

Count the people.

I feel like a dog's breakfast.

He was as mad as a mule chewin' on bumblebees!

Righter en rain?

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!

I hope she lives to a 150 and looks it.

Skinny as a rail

You look like you were pulled through a knothole backwards.

Looking at me like a cow at a new fence.

Do it up brown

He’s so mean a rattlesnake bit him five times and died.

My hind foot!

I was as surprised as if a sheep had bit me.

I feel like I've been chewed up and spit out.

Tough as a pine knot in a sawmill.

To have treed the coon

He was as mad as a mule chewin' on bumblebees.

Were you raised in a barn?

Too slow to keep worms in a tin.

Tougher than a one-eared alley cat.

He is one ass kicking away from being a pretty nice fellow.