Keyword: Other expressions (Page 39)

Within a lash

So ugly he could snag lightning

There were so many people in that place, you couldn't stir 'em with a stick.

He has more information than a Sears Roebuck catalog.

It's hotter than a ginger mill in Hell.

Them dumplin's are so good, they'll make you want to slap your momma!

Rest your features

To have treed the coon

So dry he had the rattles

If [such and such happens] then it’s Katie bar the door.

Our grandpas swapped horses.

Deader than a door nail

Ain't I God's own fool?

Sittin’ in the catbird seat

Pore mouthin’

He couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat.

So ugly no fly would land on ‘em

The water was higher than a cat’s back.

He’s steal a chaw of tobacco out of your mouth if you yawned.

That youngin is as wild as a June bug on a string.

What in the Sam Hill are you doing?