Keyword: Other expressions (Page 41)

Dressed like a Philadelphia lawyer

Can’t hear thunder

I like a gal where her skin fits a little better.

Every tub has to sit on it’s own bottom.

Lying like a snake in the grass.

That coffee's strong enough to float an iron spoon.

Fix your plate.

It’s raining like pouring piss out of a boot.

He’s gone to hell in a hand basket.

He’d make a cat laugh.

Broke out with money

A near man with a dollar

It's hotter than the four sides of Hell.

We don’t air our dirty laundry out in public.

I wouldn't speak to her if I met her in hell and she was carrying a big lump of ice.

He’s dumber than a day old pig.

So good it’ll make you smack yo mama.

He was wound up tighter ‘en a bango string.

Didn’t lick it off a stone

A hangdog look

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!