Keyword: Other expressions (Page 42)

He’s so ugly he has to slap himself to sleep.

He’s going to blow the gates of hell wide open when he goes.

Dumber than a barrel of hair

Pore mouthin’

Eatin’ long corn

If you are in trouble and told to go out and cut your own switch…don’t come back with a little one…that ain’t going to work for ya.

Stand pappy

Higher the hair, closer to God.

You look like something the cat drug in and the dog won’t eat.

What a bunch of potlickers

Flat as a fritter.

He/she looked like death eating a cracker.

They from off.

She’d make a freight train take a dirt road.

You're a dime holdin’ up a dollar.

An empty wagon makes the most noise.

Throw the hatchet

Just cause trouble comes visiting doesn't mean you have to offer it a place to sit down.

Pass some words

Tough as a pine knot in a sawmill.

He couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.