Keyword: Washington

In Washington, you can’t take friendship personally.

The District of Columbia is a territory hounded on all sides by the United States of America.

(1909 – 1944) satiric author

Outside of the killings, [Washington] has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

(1936 – ) American politician, Mayor of Washington, D.C.

It's so cold here in Washington, D.C., that politicians have their hands in their own pockets.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

Washington is a place where men praise courage and act on elaborate personal cost-benefit calculations.

(1908 – 2006) Canadian-American economist

Washington is a much better place if you are asking questions rather than answering them.

Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference.

(1927 – ) Canadian-born American comedian & actor

Five-Headed Coach to Lead Washington School

Carter wants to go to Washington; he'll feel right at home there – he was raised on a nut farm.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor

I often say after eight years in Washington, I longed for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood.

U.S. Senator (1942 – 2015) U.S. senator (Tennessee) & actor

In Washington, a man gets up to speak and doesn't say a thing, and the other men disagree with him for three hours.

(1908 – 2002) comedian, radio & television actor

I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town, and I’m sorry it’s the case, and I’ll work hard to try to elevate it.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

I’ve still got a lot to learn about Washington… Thursday, I accidentally spent some of my own money.

U.S. Senator (1942 – 2015) U.S. senator (Tennessee) & actor

Sometimes, Washington is one of these towns where the person – people who think they've got the sharp elbow is the most effective person.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

You want a friend in Washington?… get a dog.

(1884 – 1972) 33rd U.S. president

I love to go to Washington – if only to be near my money.

(1903 – 2003) English-born American comedian & actor